

General Incorporated Association; The Institute of Prophylactic Pharmacology (IPP)
2018-2023 ©The Institute of Prophylactic Pharmacology
Last updated:2023/09/04

予防薬理学研究所とは About us

研究所の目的 Purpose of this institute


We aim to contribute to improvement of health and medical care and development of academia by promoting, encouraging, enlightening, sharing and providing information, building mutual community etc of academic and applied research on preventive pharmacology.

理事長あいさつ Message from the President

  • 米田幸雄 Yukio Yoneda Ph.D.


    Prolonged malfunctions of particular cellular molecules would sometimes lead to irreversible abnormalities and dysfunctions of cells, tissues and individuals, which are undoubtedly responsible for the consequential crisis of various symptoms and syndromes as particular diseases and disorders.

    Pharmaceutical sciences have been dedicated to the discovery and subsequent development of innovative drugs useful for the therapy and treatment of patients suffering froma variety of these symptoms.

    Validated evidence is absolutely required for the demonstration of beneficial effects of the acute administration of medicines and drugs on different syndromes and symptoms seen in patients, while they have no choice but to take drugs for mitigation of their unpleasant disabilities and conditions as quickly as possible even at the cost of inevitable untoward side effects sometimes highly toxic outside the target cells.This is the reason why drugs are often called as a “double edged sword”.

    In contrast to drugs with inevitable side effects, edible foods have been often beneficial for the prophylaxis and/or alleviation of unpleasant conditions upon sustained daily intake from childhood in young to elderly people with particular health disturbances.

    Foods are in principle derived from edible materials with guaranteed safety for people’s health for hundreds of years in human history unless quite excessive amounts are unbelievably consumed.

    Although drugs are highly effective in inducing acute mitigation of unpleasant symptoms during the onset of diseases after a single oral administration for the therapy, chronic consumption is undoubtedly necessary for the appearance of alleviation of unpleasant functional disturbances with beneficial foods available
    for the prophylaxis.

    For patients suffering from severe symptoms of a particular disease, however, prophylaxis is sometimes much more important than therapy.

    People do not have to suffer from heavily unpleasant conditions as long as they pay much attention to their life styles including daily food intake.

    A tremendous number of edible foods and their ingredients have been used for the development of dietary supplements and nutraceuticals for many reasons in recent years, while their scientific background is considerably poor compared with drugs so far.

    For example, edible active ingredients should be stable in the acidic gastric juice after oral intake, followed by cleavage with digestive enzymes for effective absorption from intestinal mucosal cells into the portal vein and subsequent hepatic metabolism before the appearance in circulating bloods for the delivery to target organs, tissues and cells.

    They should be also excreted from the kidney after metabolism. However, this simple physiological mechanism is regrettably unclarified with numerous food-derived products on sale as a dietary supplement and/or nutraceutical in the market.

    The poor scientific validation has been highly impairing the importance of prophylaxis of the onset of unpleasant disabilities and possible alleviation of particular symptoms in people taking
    food-relevant products for health improvement.

    It thus appears that nutraceutical sciences should be rapidly established in collaboration with pharmaceutical sciences for the purpose of maintenance of the health and welfare in human beings.

    From this point of view, laboratory experiments are to be more critically and precisely done at least using molecular and cellular biological techniques with dietary supplements and nutraceuticals to provide qualified evidence for the clinical effectiveness and usefulness toward the prophylaxis and possible alleviation of a variety of unpleasant conditions in people without particular diseases diagnosed.

    Both intervention and cohort studies are of course necessary for the establishment of nutraceutical sciences as seen with pharmaceutical sciences in the nearest future.

    Reference: J Pharmacol Therap Forecast 1 (1) 1

    主要構成員(2022年4月現在) Core Members (as of April 2022)

    理事長                President  
     米田 幸雄(金沢大 名誉教授)     Yukio Yoneda (Kanazawa University)

    事務局長               Secretary General
     東 泰孝 (大阪公立大 教授)     Yasutaka Azuma (Osaka Metropolitan University)

    副理事長               Vice President
     倉本 展行(摂南大 教授)       Nobuyuki Kuramoto (Setsunan University)

    所長                 Director 
     伊藤 文昭(摂南大 名誉教授)     Fumiaki Ito (Setsunan University)

    理 事                Trustees 
     米田 幸雄(金沢大 名誉教授)     Yukio Yoneda (Kanazawa University)
     東 泰孝 (大阪公立大 教授)     Yasutaka Azuma (Osaka Metropolitan University)
     倉本 展行(摂南大 教授)       Nobuyuki Kuramoto (Setsunan University)
     伊藤 文昭(摂南大 名誉教授)     Fumiaki Ito (Setsunan University)
     眞部 孝幸(中京学院大 教授)     Takayuki Manabe (Chukyo Gakuin University)
     中道 範隆(高崎健康福祉大 教授)   Noritaka Nakamichi
                            (Takasaki Univ. of Health and Welfare)
     檜井 栄一(岐阜薬科大 教授)     Eiichi Hinoi (Gifu Pharmaceutical University)
     寳田 剛志(岡山大  教授)       Takeshi Takarada (Okayama University)
     森口 展明(京セラ(株)研究開発本部) Nobuaki Moriguchi (Kyocera Corporation)

    監事                 Auditors
     松田 敏夫(大阪大 名誉教授)     Toshio Matsuda (Osaka University)
     前田 定秋(摂南大 教授・副学長)   Sadaaki Maeda (Setsunan University)

    名誉顧問               Honorary Advisors
     花岡美代次               Miyoji Hanaoka (Kanazawa University)
     馬場明道                Akemichi Baba (Osaka University)

    評議員                Councilors
     首藤 誠(摂南大 准教授)       Makoto Shuto (Setsunan University)
     菊田真穂(摂南大 教授)        Maho Kikuta (Setsunan University)
     北山友也(武庫川女子大 准教授)    Tomoya Kitayama (Mukogawa Women's University)
     米山雅紀(摂南大 教授)        Masanori Yoneyama (Setsunan University)
     高野 桂(大阪府立大 准教授)     Katsura Takano (Osaka Metropolitan University)
     及川弘崇(鈴鹿医療科学大 助教)    Hirotaka Oikawa
                            (Suzuka Univ. of Medical Science)
     川田浩一(千葉科学大 准教授)     Koichi Kawada (Chiba Institute of Science)
     神戸悠輝(鹿児島大 講師)       Yuki Kanbe (Kagoshima University)
     小椋正人(福島医科大 講師)      Masato Ogura (Fukushima Medical University)

    特別会員                Special Members
     中村洋一(大阪府立大 元教授)    Yoichi Nakamura (Osaka Prefecture University)
     荻田喜代一(摂南大 元教授・学長)  Kiyokazu Ogita (Setsunan University)
     伊藤芳久(日本大 元教授、横浜薬大 教授)
                        Yoshihisa Ito (Yokohama University of Pharmacy) 
     小山 豊(神戸薬科大 教授)      Yutaka Koyama (Kobe Pharmaceutical University)
     田熊一敞(大阪大 教授)        Kazuhiro Takuma (Osaka University)
     中村暢宏(京都産業大 教授)      Nobuhiro Nakamura (Kyoto Sangyo University)
     吾郷由希夫(広島大 教授)       Yukio Ago (Hiroshima University)

     Vladimir Balcar     (University of Sydney, Australia)
     Henry M. Kronenberg  (Harvard Medical School, USA)
     Andrew J. Lawrence   (University of Melbourne, Australia)
     Caroline (Lindy) Rae  (University of New South Wales, Australia)
     Philip M. Beart     (University of Melbourne, Australia)
     Hyoung-Chun Kim   (Kangwon National University, South Korea)
     Peter R. Dodd      (The University of Queensland, Australia)
     Piyarat Govitrapong   (Mahidol University, Thailand)
     Woong Sun       (Korea University College of Medicine, South Korea)
     Arne Schousboe    (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
     Anton B. Tonchev    (Medical University – Varna, Bulgaria)
     Leszek Kaczmarek   (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
     Graham A.R. Johnston (The University of Sydney, Australia)
     Dusan Dobrota     (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
     Daniela Jezova     (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
     Samuel H.H. Chan   (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan)
     Judy Sng Chia Ghee  (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
     Nguyen Quynh Le   (Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Vietnam)
     Jee Hyun Kim     (University of Melbourne, Australia)
     Gabriela Beatriz Acosta (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
     Juliet Obanda Makanga (Kenyatta University, Kenya)

    ※A special member, Prof. Peter Wong (National University of Singapore, Singapore) has passed away on 02 March 2021. We all mourn his death.
  • 賛助会員情報


    賛助会員(2021年9月現在) Supporting members (as of September 2021)

    白井松器械株式会社  SHIRAIMATSU Co., Ltd.
     URL: www.shiraimatsu.co.jp

    スノーデン株式会社   SNOWDEN Co., Ltd.
     URL: www.snowden.co.jp 

    日本フードシステム株式会社  FOOD SYSTEM
     URL: japan-fs.co.jp 

    株式会社爽快生活  SOKAISEIKATSU Co., Inc.
     URL: sokaiseikatsu.co.jp

    補完医療製薬株式会社  Hokan Iryo CO., LTD.
     URL: hokaniryo.com

研究所の事業 Projects

In order to contribute to the above purpose, conduct the following projects.

主な事業 This institute exists to:

  • (1) 学術集会、講演会、研究会等の企画、立案及び実施に関する事業

    Projects related to design, planning and implementation of academic meetings, lectures, research meetings.


  • (2) 予防薬理学及びその関連領域についての調査、研究、分析並びにこれらに対する奨励、表彰等に関する事業

    Research encouragement:
    Projects related to research, analysis, encouragement and award for investigation on preventive pharmacology and related fields.


  • (3) 予防薬理学及びその関連領域についての調査、研究への支援、援助等に関する事業

    Projects related to support or aid for investigations on preventive pharmacology and related fields.


  • (4) 機関紙、会誌、研究文書等の企画、制作、編集、刊行、販売及び輸出入に関する事業

    Projects related to the planning, production, editing, publication, sale and import or export of literatures, papers, journals, researches documents.


  • (5) 各種情報の提供に関する事業

    Information provision:
    Projects related to providing various information.


  • (6) 食料品、飲料品、栄養補助食品、健康食品、サプリメント、医薬部外品、各種物品の企画、開発、製造、加工、販売、卸及び輸出入に関する事業

    Projects related to the planning, development, manufacture, processing, sale, wholesale and import or export of foodstuffs, drinks, nutritional supplements, health foods, supplements, quasi-drugs, various items.


  • (7) 予防薬理学及びその関連領域に関わる国内外の個人、国、公的機関、学術団体等との連絡、協力、支援、調整、連携及び交流に関する事業

    Projects related to communication, cooperation, support, coordination, collaboration and exchange with individuals, countries, public institutions, academic organizations etc. in and outside of Japan related to preventive pharmacology and related fields.


  • (8) その他関連する事業 

    Any incidental or related projects.


研究活動 (Research activities)

本研究所専属所員の活動をご紹介します。Introducing the activities of the dedicated staff of the Institute.

研究論文の発表 Publication of research paper

  • Measurement and Clinical Significance of Lipid Peroxidation as a Biomarker of
    Oxidative Stress: Oxidative Stress in Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, and Chronic Inflammation.

    所長の伊藤文昭 先生の論文がAntioxidantsに掲載されました。
    It was published in Antioxidants.

  • High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Triglyceride and Oxidized HDL: New Lipid Biomarkers of Lipoprotein-Related Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

    所長の伊藤文昭 先生の論文がAntioxidants に掲載されました。
    It was published in Antioxidants.

  • Polyphenols Can Potentially Prevent Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease by Modulating
    Macrophage Cholesterol Metabolism.

    所長の伊藤文昭 先生の論文がCurrent Molecular Pharmacologyに掲載されました。
    It was published in Current Molecular Pharmacology.

  • Selective upregulation by theanine of Slc38a1 expression in neural stem cell for brain wellness.

    理事長の米田幸雄 先生の論文がMoleculesに掲載されました。
    It was published in Molecules.

  • The role of glutamine in neurogenesis promoted by the green tea amino acid theanine in neural progenitor cells for brain health

    理事長の米田幸雄 教授の論文がNeurochemistry Internationalに掲載されました。
    It was published in Neurochemistry International.

  • Current Molecular Pharmacology , Volume 14 - Number 2

    Special issue of preventive pharmacology. Articles from many institute members, including President Yoneda, were published.



投稿のお願い Call for papers

  • Bentham Publisher発行の国際誌「Current Molecular Pharmacology」誌

    本誌の予防薬理学セクション「Prophylactic Pharmacology Section」では原著論文や総説論文などの積極的な投稿をお待ちしています。
    We are expecting your active submissions of relevant original and review papers to the Prophylactic Pharmacology Section in this journal.



学会・研究会での発表 Presentation at an international conference

  • Neuro talk 2019

    理事長の米田幸雄 教授が2019/5/13に大阪で開催された国際学会のNeurotalk 2019で発表を行いました。
    Our president, Prof. Yukio Yoneda made a presentation at Neurotalk 2019, an international conference held in Osaka on May 13, 2019.

  • International Drug Discovery Science and Technology 2019

    理事長の米田幸雄 教授が2019/7/25に京都で開催されたIDDST2019の年会で発表を行いました。
    Our president, Prof. Yukio Yoneda made a presentation at the annual meeting of IDDST 2019 held in Kyoto on July 25, 2019.



米田幸雄賞及び学生優秀賞授与の記録 Record of awards

  • 第1回米田幸雄賞及び学生奨励賞の授与


  • 第2回米田幸雄賞及び学生奨励賞の授与




アーカイブ Archives

  • 予防薬理学研究所
    The Institute of Prophylactic Pharmacology (IPP)

    It was founded on Nov 15th in 2018.

  • 定款
    Articles of incorporation (Japanese)


  • ニューロテアニンを科学する
    Sciences on ”Neuro-theanine” (Japanese)


  • アカデミア発シーズ探索研究会2017
    Academia for research on seeds exploration 2017 (Japanese)

    2017年10月8日(日)~ 9日(月) 大阪アカデミアで開催しました。

  • アカデミア発シーズ探索研究会2018
    Academia for research on seeds exploration 2018 (Japanese)

    2018年9月8日(土)~ 9日(日) クロス・ウェーブ梅田で開催しました。

  • 設立記念シンポジウム

    March 13, 2019 (Wed) I-site Namba (Osaka Pref Univ)

  • 国際誌に予防薬理学セクションを新設
    Established preventive pharmacology section in international journal

    Bentham Publisher発行の国際誌「Current Molecular Pharmacology」誌に、予防薬理学セクション「Prophylactic Pharmacology Section」が新設されました。原著論文や総説論文などの積極的な投稿をお待ちしています。(2019/9/11記事)
    Prophylactic Pharmacology Section is newly established in “Current Molecular Pharmacology” published by Bentham Publisher. We look forward to actively submitting original papers and review papers.

  • アカデミアシーズ探索研究会2019
    Academia for research on seeds exploration 2019 (Japanese)

    It was held at X-wave UMEDA on 7-8 Sep in 2019

  • シンポジウム2020
    Symposium 2020 (Japanese)

    It was originally scheduled to be held on March 29, Sunday, in 2020, but cancelled due to the pandemic of COVID-19 in the world.

  • シンポジウム2022
    Symposium 2022 (Japanese)

    April 3, 2022 (Sun) On line